Greece Imports from Hungary of Prepared Glues and Other Prepared Adhesives, Products Suitable for Use as Glues was US$377.22 Thousand during 2023, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade.

greece Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit
Balance of Trade -3012.90 -2411.20 -619.80 -4328.60 EUR Million [+]
Current Account -2693.49 -3160.91 2656.79 -4730.32 EUR Million [+]
Current Account to GDP -6.30 -10.30 -0.10 -15.20 percent of GDP [+]
Exports 4467.10 4283.40 5480.60 691.90 EUR Million [+]
Imports 7480.00 6694.60 8953.80 1919.00 EUR Million [+]
External Debt 552828.07 553207.00 563407.48 142217.00 EUR Million [+]
Capital Flows -2478.80 -3258.19 6037.71 -3705.44 EUR Million [+]
Remittances 114.23 140.08 3616.53 50.11 EUR Million [+]
Gold Reserves 114.40 114.40 132.56 107.21 Tonnes [+]
Natural Gas Imports 57060.64 53904.46 63022.00 5579.00 Terajoule [+]
External Debt to GDP 254.00 260.00 309.00 225.00 percent of GDP [+]
Terrorism Index 3.03 4.79 5.91 3.03 Points [+]
Weapons Sales 7.00 17.00 31.00 1.00 SIPRI TIV Million [+]
Foreign Direct Investment 300.10 480.50 2608.90 -532.30 EUR Million [+]
Tourist Arrivals 874.00 721.00 6762.00 38.00 Thousand [+]
Tourism Revenues 372.26 291.43 4328.25 13.81 EUR Million [+]